Face to face with Sheriff Joe Arpaio

For those of you back home in London, this is our Sheriff, Joe Arpaio

I have chosen not to voice my opinions; I have nothing more to say on the matter....

I have been living in the United States for about 5 years now. One thing I miss from back home is Guy Fawke's Night. I miss the loud explosions, the bonfires and the colourful lights. Not only is this holiday not observed in the United States, Fireworks are illegal in the state of Arizona.

Fireworks are illegal in Arizona. It is against the law in Arizona to sell, use, explode, or even possess fireworks. Events that are held on any public school, state, or county properties that involve fireworks and and pyrotechnic displays must receive a permit from the Arizona State Fire Marshal.

How Are Fireworks Defined in AZ?

As far as Arizona is concerned, fireworks includes any "combustible or explosive composition, substance or combination of substances, or any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation..."

Skyrockets, firecrackers, torpedoes and roman candles all fall under the category of illegal fireworks. Many people in Arizona are surprised to learn that even sparklers are prohibited by law here. Actually, sparklers account for many burn injuries to children.

This year, again, I have no real plans, but obviously I wouldn't want to break any laws.....although I do know several black market firework dealers

A message from the City of Phoenix

"Leave fireworks to the professionals. Restrictions on fireworks are for a good cause. No matter how small or large a fireworks may be, it is a potential fire starter. But it is still possible to celebrate and enjoy the holiday. Families can consult the newspaper or local activity calendar and attend one of several approved, licensed fireworks displays around the Valley."

Using technology licensed from the Translational Genomics Research Institute, and expertise and resources provided by the Phoenix-based nonprofit Catapult Bio, a Virginia startup firm has unveiled new genomic-analysis techniques to enhance dramatically the capabilities of forensic investigators.
